About Us

We are a 360º environment specialized to join training schools and companies towards the formative excellence. We study the needs, propose the best solutions and implement them.

From Idea to Solution.



Training of trainers

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Technological study

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Content Workshop

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Training of trainers

As a lifelong learners we need to think about the ways we have to manage our knowledge and learning to be able to evaluate our strategies with critical and deep thinking , with the objetive of improving them and sharing our progress with the rest of the community. he complex challenges facing schools and companies are demanding that we don't improvise and be able to systematize and strategically plan in knowledge management environments. If we do, we'll be more effective. If we are more effective, we'll achieve our goals.

Technological study

Improving significantly the own system of management the organizational knowledge as well as laying the foundation for a personal learning system for each student and teacher. That is the key to increasing commitment and creating useful and quality knowledge. A good tool that supports a really good team is the other side of success.

1. Moodle implementation
2. Integrations (web, intranet, crm)
3. Design and personalization
4. Updates
5. Academic management
Content Workshop

- We analyze the pedagogical objectives,
- We propose a schedule based on the documentation provided,
- We virtualize contents
- We implement the contents

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Tweets by DocusVLE

Contact us

* I have read and accept the legal conditions


CNV del Valles - Barcelona


+34 935 702 105

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